- Zucchini - Rollen mit Karotten, Sesam und Mango - Sauce
- Knollen-Sellerie - Sandwiches mit Gemüse und Kaki - Sauce
- Rettich - Karotten - "Lasagna" mit Kiwi - Dattel - Sauce
- Rettich - "Pasta" mit Kiwi - Orangen - Sauce
- Gemischter - Mango - Salat
- Zucchini - Kürbis - Lasagna mit Kaki - Paprika - Sauce
- Gemüse - Sticks mit Mandarinen - Petersilien - Sauce
Zucchini - rolls with sesame seeds and mango - sauce

This evening I made rolls of zucchini filled with slices of cucumber, carrots and lettuce, pieces of tomatoes, sesame seeds and an awesome and simple sauce of two mangoes, three stalks of celery and three sweet red peppers.
If not stated otherwise then the amount of ingredients is for one meal, but this could still mean more than one serving of the pictured dish.
All fruits and vegetables have to be ripe. That's of the uttermost importance, only this way are they tasting yummy, are having all their essential nutrients in them and can be digested optimally by our body.
- Slice daikon radish, zucchini or eggplant with your Mandoline - Slicer in thin and long slices and place them overlapping on a plate
- Place the cut other ingredients on a small stripe and put some of the sauce on them
- raise the radish/zucchini stripes with a big knife, fold it over the ingredient - stripe and form a roll
- Put all ingredients for the sauce in a high speed blender, like the Blendtec
- Put some softer fruits in the blender first so it has something to "chew" on
- Maybe cut harder produce into pieces and put them into the blender with some soft stuff
- Avocado, nuts or seeds are optional
- Blend ingredients at high speed
Fruits and veggies directory
Checkout the fruits and veggie directory to see how to ripen your produce or how to know when stuff is ripe.
Zucchini - rolls with sesame seeds and mango - sauce
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You are a flipping artist!
- Nancy G.
Thank you, Nancy!
- Patrizio B.
- Antonis A.
Thank you, my dear Antonis! ☀️
- Patrizio B.
<3 <3
- Patrizio B.
<3 <3 <3 I thought I would continue with the heart theme!
- Marie R.
<3 <3 <3 <3 yeeeees! there can't be enough hearts! :)
- Patrizio B.
- Marie R.
Looks yummy.
- Mukta G.
yum, yum! <3
- Patrizio B.
- Patrizio B.
You are an artist!!!
- Donna D.
Thank you for your kind words, Donna! <3
- Patrizio B.
Whenever you post I just wanna try it...then I think...uh oh if you took a bite you'd mess it up. So next post send a second po...
- Donna D.
when I start to take a bite, it's gone in few seconds... no willpower to stop eating then! :D
- Patrizio B.
Okay...understandably so!
- Donna D.
- Patrizio B.
very pretty, I am wondering if I can blend this together? I can't chew yet (had mouth surgery)
- Marie R.
Mmm beautiful :) xxx
- Deborah A.
Better make simpler, blended meals, Marie. But of course you also could blend together these ingredients.
- Patrizio B.
Thank you, Deborah! <3
- Patrizio B.
Beautiful. And yum!!!
- Decrepitude A.
Are you a pro chef. Mine never look pretty
- Song T.
U use a mandolin? I love mine, i love raw zucchini spaghetti! !
- Decrepitude A.
thank you, Decrepitude Aplenty and Song Tann!
- Patrizio B.
yes, I use a mandolin like http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001FB59LS/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=211189&creative=373489&crea...
- Patrizio B.
but for noodles I use a spirulizer: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006THC75E/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=211189&creative=37...
- Patrizio B.
I could not survive without my mandolin slicer! It makes slicing my veggies SO MUCH faster!! I use a cut-resistant Kevlar glove...
- Marti M.
I know what im making tomorrow!
- Decrepitude A.
Kevlar glove! I need that! :D
- Patrizio B.