- Rettich - Karotten - "Lasagna" mit Kiwi - Dattel - Sauce
- Orangen - rote Rüben - Salat
- Rettich - "Pasta" mit Kiwi - Orangen - Sauce
- Apfel - Bananen - Feigen - Smoothie
- Rettich - "Udon" - Nudeln mit Mango - Paprika - Dattel - Sauce
- Hokkaido - Kürbis auf Kiwi - Dattel - Creme
- Orangen - Dattel - Frühstücks - Creme
Orange - date - breakfast - cream

Todays breakfast is a silky cream of 12 oranges and ten dates. <3
If not stated otherwise then the amount of ingredients is for one meal, but this could still mean more than one serving of the pictured dish.
All fruits and vegetables have to be ripe. That's of the uttermost importance, only this way are they tasting yummy, are having all their essential nutrients in them and can be digested optimally by our body.
- Put all ingredients for the smoothie in a high speed blender, like the Blendtec
- Put some softer fruits in the blender first (like bananas) so it has something to "chew" on
- Cut harder and large fruits into pieces and put them into the blender with some soft fruits
- Blend ingredients at high speed
Fruits and veggies directory
Checkout the fruits and veggie directory to see how to ripen your produce or how to know when stuff is ripe.
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Facebook Comments
That's not a sugar shock to your system??
- Wilma B.
There is no such thing as a sugar shock from fruits! :D
- Patrizio B.
But but we were raised to think.... I'd google but I have a steam cleaner to fill and a carpet to clean. And I need meditation...
- Wilma B.
our body runs on simple sugars, it stores it in the muscles and the liver... sugar is only "bad" if it's only sugar (as in refi...
- Patrizio B.
Jaffa datorade. Used to drink that on cycling trips. Yum. :-)
- Alastair L.
Sugar us bad is a big business and growing at the moment. Then there's the fructose is bad but agave/rice/whatever is good crow...
- Alastair L.
Low carb everything, yeah! :(
- Patrizio B.
Everyone wants a quick fix
- Wilma B.
Fruits are a great quick fix for a lot of things. :) and a long lasting one too.
- Patrizio B.
what a bright and vibrant color!
- Marie R.
Do you eat the orange peels? Just curious
- Marie R.
I just used tiny pieces of lemon peel once or twice, too intensive for me...
- Patrizio B.
Yummy !
- Marie C.
<3 <3 <3
- Patrizio B.
definitely will try this tomorrow morning, thanx Patrizio
- Anne-Marie D.
It's great in the morning when we are dehydrated! <3
- Patrizio B.
- Anne-Marie D.
I am already dehydrated when I look at this :))
- Anne-Marie D.
haha :D
- Patrizio B.
- Decrepitude A.
I like the color <3
- Patrizio B.
On the rocks no less.
- Ron P.
lol, true! :D
- Patrizio B.
That sounds sooooo yummy!!
- Penelope P.
It was! <3 <3 <3
- Patrizio B.